| Chris Downing

Rosajean Manas


Aug 11 at 07:47 PM

W4D4 LiiftMore

Came home straight up exhausted - sometimes my fatigue is out of this world but I have two choices … be a diagnosis or be the fighter I’ve been my whole life! So, I chose me! I took minute by minute and guess what - I felt better!

If there is one thing I learned in my fitness journey these passed 9 years is -it was to believe in myself… it goes such a long way, letting go of the anchors and and being aware of what triggers us to fall off course so we stay on track in becoming the person we are meant to be. I mean the only person that stops you from living your best life… is YOU!

Staying conscious is the best thing you can learn. I lived half my life on autopilot while complaining that things wouldn’t change when in all actuality all that needed to change was my attitude and mindset. …. We are not our problems or situation or our diagnosis… we simply are who and what we choose to be!

A version of the old you will always try and creep in some how but don’t let it! Stay focused! Stay conscious! Stay aware! Remember your I Am!